Skype 7.7 For Mac Released

Skype for Mac

Microsoft has released a new version of Skype for Mac, the latest version of the software is version 7.7 and it comes with some new features.

The new Skype 7.7 for Mac now comes with web link previews for Skype chat as well as a range of bug fixes and improvements.

With web link previews, you no longer need to type the: “check out this funny cat video” alongside the actual link to the cat video. When you send the link in chat, a rich visual preview of the web page is automatically displayed, making it much easier to see what’s been shared. Finding a link in your chat history also becomes quicker, saving precious time to let you focus on the conversation.

You can find out more details about Skype 7.7 for Mac over at the Skype blog at the link below.


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