Category Archives: Health & Lifestyle

Boost that metabolism

It is high time that we stop blaming our slow metabolism for our weight loss plateau. After all, there are proven ways through which we can rev it up! Adopt these simple lifestyle tweaks and let your burn machine work its magic!

  For starters, you can include short bursts of intense activity during your exercises. For instance, while you are running, run at a steady pace for 5 minutes and then speed it up for the next 60 seconds. Do 5 reps of this and then apply the same technique for your other cardio exercises.

Pump up your sweat session by including weights. More muscle mass means a higher resting metabolic rate. Another great reason to aim for a toned and lean physique!


  Eat enough. Intake of lesser calories than what you need (depending on your day to day activities) will signal your body to slow down your metabolism to sustain energy throughout. Include light snacks in between your main meals and do not stay hungry.

Include these in your diet:

`Protein: It not only keeps you fuller for longer; your body also uses more energy to digest it, which means an instant metabolic boost! It is also advised to opt for protein like tuna or salmon over red meat since food with omege-3 fatty acids also help in burning more calories efficiently.

Vitamin D and Calcium: Increase your vitamin D intake by having foods like tofu, eggs and tuna. As for calcium, opt for low fat milk, sugar free yogurt and goat cheese.


  Hold that alcohol and instead, opt for the good ol’ H20. Cold water can raise your resting metabolism, so, add ice cubes to your glass of water—great way to keep your cool in the hot weather. A cup of caffeine-goodness is also recommended—if you are more of a tea person, step away from your milky sweet chiya and sip on green tea.

TRY: Make a pitcher full of green tea and a bunch of mint leaves and lemon juice. Sip on it throughout the day.

Start in the morning

It’s either your morning workout or breakfast that should start your burn-machine for the day. If you are not headed for your exercise, have a good breakfast consisting of both proteins and carbs. In a hurry? Make overnight oatmeal, top it off with nuts and have it on the go. Another simple morning boost: have two whole hard boiled eggs with a small cup of black coffee.

71 infected with swine Flu in chitwan


Chitwan, March 23
: The number of people
infected with swine flu has reached 71 in
Chitwan. The number increased to 71 after
22 new people were diagnosed with the
symptom of the disease last Sunday.
From the newly diagnosed patients, 12 are
male and 10 are female. In the recent
times, 27 people have already been
diagnosed with Swine Flu.

According to Virus Moderator of District
Public Health Office Ram K.C, the people
who are infected with swine flu are mostly
from Chitwan, Nawalparashi, Gorkha,
Tanahun, Rupandehi and Parsha. After
going through a rigorous testing process at
District Public Health Office, the people
under suspicion of the disease are being
sent to Kathmandu for further health tests. Continue reading 71 infected with swine Flu in chitwan

Here Is why you Should drink water from a copper cup


The medicine of Ayurveda recommends drinking water stored in copper canisters, because it is believed that the copper has antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. There have been medical studies that show the benefits of drinking water stored in copper pots.

One study done in 2012, found that storing
contaminated water in copper pots up to 16
hours at room temperature, reduces the
presence of harmful microbes. This has people believing that copper is the solution for the purification of drinking water, especially in developing countries.

There is a different study that showed that
copper surfaces in a hospitals killed 97% of the ICU bacteria that can cause infection, which resulted in a 40% reduction in infection rates.

Continue reading Here Is why you Should drink water from a copper cup

What Biting your Nails Says About Your personality


Scientists at the University of Montreal
published a study in this month’s issue of the
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry that suggests that perfectionism might be at the root of body-focused compulsive habits like nail-biting and hair-twisting. For the study, researchers worked with 48 participants, half of whom regularly engaged in these types of behaviors. The other participants,
who didn’t have these habits, acted as a control group. Continue reading What Biting your Nails Says About Your personality

South Africans perform first ‘successful’ penis transplant


The world’s first successful penis transplant
has been reported by a surgical team in South Africa.

The 21-year-old recipient, whose identify is
being protected, lost his penis in a botched

Doctors in Cape Town said the operation was a success and the patient was happy and healthy.

The team said there was extensive discussion
about whether the operation, which is not life- saving in the same way as a heart transplant, was ethical.

There have been attempts before, including one in China. Accounts suggested the operation went fine, but the penis was later rejected.

Penis replacement
The man was 18 and already sexually active
when he had the circumcision.
The procedure is part of the transition from
boyhood to adulthood in parts of South Africa.

These boys are undergoing a circumcision
ceremony in South Africa
The boy was left with just 1cm of his original

Doctors say South Africa has some of the
greatest need for penis transplants anywhere in the world.

Dozens, although some say hundreds, of boys
are maimed or die each year during traditional initiation ceremonies.

Surgeons at Stellenbosch University and
Tygerberg Hospital performed a nine-hour
operation to attach a donated penis.
One of the surgeons, Andre Van der Merwe, who normally performs kidney transplants, told the BBC News website: “This is definitely much more difficult, the blood vessels are 1.5 mm wide. In
the kidney it can be 1 cm.”

The team used some of the techniques that had been developed to perform the first face
transplants in order to connect the tiny blood
vessels and nerves.

The operation took place on 11 December last year. Three months later doctors say the recovery has been rapid.

Full sensation has not returned and doctors
suggest this could take two years.
However, the man is able to pass urine, have an erection, orgasm and ejaculate.

The procedure required a lot of preparation.
The team needed to be sure the patient was
aware of the risks of a life-time of
immunosuppressant drugs.

Also some patients cannot cope with a
transplant if they fail to recognise it as part of their body.

“Psychologically, we knew it would have a
massive effect on the ego,” said Dr Van der

It took “a hell of a lot of time” to get ethical
approval, he added.
One of the concerns is a heart transplant
balances the risk of the operation against a
certain death, but a penis transplant would not extend life span.

Dr Van der Merwe told the BBC: “You may say it doesn’t save their life, but many of these young men when they have penile amputations are ostracised, stigmatised and take their own life.

“If you don’t have a penis you are essentially
dead, if you give a penis back you can bring
them back to life.”
Further attempts on other patients are expected to take place in three months time.

Breastfeeding “linked to higher IQ”


A long-term study has pointed to a link
between breastfeeding and intelligence.
The research in Brazil traced nearly 3,500
babies, from all walks of life, and found those
who had been breastfed for longer went on to score higher on IQ tests as adults.

Experts say the results, while not conclusive,
appear to back current advice that babies
should be exclusively breastfed for six months.

But they say mothers should still have a choice about whether or not to do it.
Regarding the findings – published in The Lancet Global Health – they stress there are many different factors other than breastfeeding that could have an impact on intelligence, although the researchers did try to rule out the main confounders, such as mother’s education, family income and birth weight. Continue reading Breastfeeding “linked to higher IQ”

Only One Cup of This Drink will Clean Your Body From Toxins


Lemon, apple and ginger are the three ingredients for this perfect magical drink
which can be prepared in only
few minutes. Even after the first cup, this drink will start to clean your body from toxins and at the same time it will start the detox process of your organism.
If you use this drink for a longer period, it will improve your immune system and at the same time it will solve the problems with the digestion. Besides that, you will be full of energy during the entire day. Continue reading Only One Cup of This Drink will Clean Your Body From Toxins

10 Lifestyle Changes That Make You Look Younger


Look younger now
You can’t stop time, you can turn back the clock to achieve more youthful-looking hair, hands, and skin. And you don’t need to submit yourself to plastic surgery, buy expensive salon treatments, or stock a medicine cabinet full of lotions and potions, either. All you need to do is examine your everyday habits and make simple anti-aging tweaks to your routine.

Continue reading 10 Lifestyle Changes That Make You
Look Younger